Download a prebuilt binary for your OS
REOSERV is automatically built and released for x64 Windows, Mac OS (Intel and Apple Silicon), and x64 Linux (GNU and MUSL).
You can find a release zip or tarball for your OS at the latest release page on GitHub:
Once downloaded simply extract the binary archive to your desired installation location.
Build REOSERV from source
REOSERV is written in rust and rust is the only build time dependency.
To get rust I recommend using rustup.
For Windows users you can download and run rustup-init.exe then follow the onscreen instructions.
For WSL/Linux/Mac OS you can run the following shell script and follow the prompts.
$ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
Getting the source code
Once you have installed rust you can get the REOSERV source code by either:
Cloning the GitHub repository (recommended)
$ git clone
Or you can download the latest code as a zip from GitHub
Building REOSERV
Once you have the source code in a directory on your machine simply run:
cargo build
Click here to continue with the database setup.